Benefits and Notices Department of Industrial Relations and Division of Workers' Compensation regulations governing employee notification of benefits. Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit (SJDB)Benefit Notices, Posting Notice, Claim Form & NOPEBenefit Notice ManualRTW SupplementPermanent Disability Rating Schedule (PDRS)Disability Evaluation UnitDWC Proposed Changes to SJDB/RTW Rules
Legal/Compliance Division of Workers' Compensation and Workers' Compensation Appeals Board regulations governing lien filing procedures, WCAB rules of practice and procedure, administrative penalties, etc . WCALJ Ethical StandardsWCAB Lien Claims Filings RulesContracted Provision of MedicinesElectronic Adjudication Management System (EAMS)Provider Suspension ProcedureWCAB Incorporates Court Administrator RulesSpecial Investigative Unit (SIU)Labor Code 5814.6 PenaltiesDWC Lien Filing Rules (EAMS)WCAB Rules of Practice and ProcedureCalifornia Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
Medical Billing and Payment Regulations governing various aspects of medical billing including required standards for paper and electronic bill submission. Payment requirements, including fee schedules and time frames. Inpatient Hospital Fee ScheduleCopy Service Fee ScheduleMedical Billing and eBilling StandardsPhysician E & M FeesInterpreter Fee SchedulePharmaceutical Fee ScheduleHome Health Care Fee ScheduleTransition to ICD-10Ambulance Fee ScheduleIndependent Bill Review (IBR) AND Medical Billing and e-BillingOutpatient Facility Fee ScheduleRBRVS Physician Fee Schedule
Medical Legal Regulations governing requirements for Qualified Medical Examiners and the medical legal fee schedule. QME Scheduling ProceduresMedical-Legal Fee ScheduleQME Eligibility and Compliance
Medical Treatment Regulations governing various aspects of medical treatment including medical treatment guidelines (MTUS), utilization review and Medical Provider Networks. Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS)MTUS Guidelines on Chronic Pain Tx and Opioids TxPredesignation & Chiropractor Treating PhysicianInterpreterMPNUtilization Review (UR) & Independent Medical Review (IMR)MTUS Drug FormularyMTUS Drug Formulary & ACOEM Guidelines
State Reporting Regulations governing required reporting of medical bill payments and claim data to the Division of Workers' Compensation, including Implementation Guides. WCIS Standards and Medical & FROI/SROI Guides